Bleaching of teeth is chemical whitening with special agents used in clinic activated by special bleaching unit. Generally office bleach is more effective than home bleach which we give as maintenance of results attained by office bleach.

What is Tooth Whitening?

Tooth Whitening is actually a mild bleaching process that restores stained or discolored teeth to a healthy, natural color.


What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

  • • Frequently drinking of coffee, tea, or colas.
  • • Some antibiotics may darken developing teeth during childhood
  • • Aging - The dentin underneath the enamel of a tooth gradually darkens
  • • Use of tobacco products.
  • • Accidents - If a tooth has been traumatized, sometimes the nerve will gradually "die," & the tooth becomes dark.
  • • After Root Canal Therapy, a tooth will generally darken.

Types of tooth discoloration –

Two types – extrinsic stains and the Intrinsic stains Extrinsic Stains: These stains are caused by tea, coffee, cigarettes, pan masala and other tobacco products, spicy food containing lots of red chillies and turmeric. Since these stains are of exogenous origin, they can be removed by bleaching. Intrinsic stains – These stains are of developmental origin being incorporated within the structure of the tooth. These stains are caused by factors which operate at the time when the tooth is being formed. Common factors responsible for intrinsic staining include drinking of water with high fluoride content, ingestion of tetracyline medication, and injury to the tooth. Bleaching does effect these stains too but the effect varies depending on the severity of the clinical condition.


Is Bleaching Safe?

Bleaching is very safe. We use a product that has been proven safe when used under the direction of a dentist.

What Is The At-Home Bleaching Process?

There are two ways of bleaching the teeth one is the Office bleach and another one is the Home bleach. Generally, the first bleaching is done at the dental office, with the follow up being done by the home bleaching products. However from a safety point of view and for best results both home and office bleaching should be monitored by the dentist. Teeth whitening bleach designed to be used at home, requires the person to wear trays filled with the bleaching agent. The individual may be required to wear the tray for a considerable length of time. In office whitening procedure is the best bet for anyone who wants to have shining white teeth.

When Will I See Results?

Immediately! Most patients see results after the first night. It will typically take from 2 to 6 weeks to restore your teeth to a beautiful white. The time it will take depends on the original color of your teeth, how discolored they were, and how frequently the treatment is applied.

How Long Will The Results Last?

The effects typically last few years. Many patients choose to "touch-up" their teeth every 6 to 12 months by applying the treatment for 1 or 2 nights. "Touch-ups" are especially useful for patients that drink beverages that stain teeth, like coffee, tea, and colas.

Are There Any Side-Effects?

Some patients may experience heightened tooth sensitivity to cold, or mild tooth or gum sensitivity during treatment, but these symptoms are only temporary and disappear within a few days.