
Orthodontic Microimplants

These wonderfull micro screws are a big boon to orthodontist who can use them in situations which otherwise would have been difficult to treat and most importantly they help to reduce the orthodontic braces treatment time . It helps to gain support from bone to pull back teeth and to correct deep bites. Microimplants involves minor surgical procedure and these are then finally removed after the treatment.

First Aid for Braces

  • • If a wire is causing irritation, try pushing the wire away from the area being irritated using the eraser end of a pencil or the blunt side of a spoon? If the wire cannot be tucked in, cover the end of the wire with a small piece of wax, a cotton ball, or a piece of chewing gum, and call us as soon as possible to fix the problem. Cutting the wire should only be done at the clinic by us.
  • • If your teeth are sore after an orthodontic appointment, take a pain-killer such as aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen unless you are allergic to them. Rinsing your mouth with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water can also be soothing. If you teeth get sore suddenly in between appointments, give us a call because it is unusual for the teeth to get sore several weeks after your last office visit.
  • • If food becomes stuck between your teeth, use your toothbrush without using toothpaste, to dislodge the food particles.
  • • If a piece of your appliance breaks, save the piece and call your orthodontist to schedule a repair visit.
  • • If you swallow a piece of your appliances, try to remain calm. A swallowed piece will usually go either into the stomach or the lungs. Most of the time it will go in the stomach and pass out of the body in a bowel movement. However, if difficulty in breathing is experienced, you should seek immediate medical attention. X-rays will be taken to determine the position of the swallowed piece and your physicians will counsel you on your options concerning retrieval of the stray piece.
  • • If a retainer cracks, bring it to the clinic for a professional repair.